Protons v neu tral rons NOVEMBER 22
PRO TONS ; sweet november ?22
this LOG focus on positives ; MY Strategy
scroll down for links; "reasons" to REbEL
& some snips
PLUS ; LINKS to SOME of my related LOGS
why should a corrupt MOnty be a member of a corruptd EU
=ChRiSflyer ; previous
snips;<from their #gameofTHORNS>
ChRiS> any SANE individual knows that since 50 years or more any incumbant of white house or downing street is either shark, snake, bufoon, puppet or a combination..yet the enslaved sheeple keeps on voting yet another minnow into power over their lives!
SUPPORT our local/global Co-OP!
extreme luck forecast from Nov12 why haven't you overthrown your corrupt / inept govt???
ChRiS> Campaign ;
claim v "monty" & UK Now inclides 1500 e FandU docs, cable, headphones etc of F & U ngo (some clothes etc of CRS)
& REd X bag; v |Boris & Branka ___________)
ChRiS> the irony almost exceeds the hypocrisy of your planets hierachy &
obedient sheeple worldwide;
* DO NOT CARE about people killed if they are not "from yr cuntry" dont
object to animalbirdbee extinction as long as "yr pet" isnt harmed!
destroying nature & humanity accepted as long as U have mobile, TV,
net, car & (fake) money! via ChRiSlive
plus +221115/16/-17-18
..the new TWA tter owner"musky" is a "billionaire:, but, do u know what
that means? ; he has 1000,000,000 x ZERO!
worthless, but the banks, brokers, cuntries & INFESTORS wont educate
your children to know this even if you are too scared to admit it.. this
happened aftr WW2, and went minus in the 80s when brokers started to
sell hot air, brand names & junk as "market value" adios! ,,,
fiction that doesn't even come close to showing they are just tips of a
dark iceberg YOU ShIT on that melted at least 40 years ago when
"fascho-capitalism "won their world" ESCAPE if u dare?
“Never believe anything GOVT SAID until it has been officially denied.”
Murdoch’s New York Post offered two crime victims cover stories if they would say they were Democrats now voting from Republican Lee Zeldin....
..."Speaker-of-the-House-in-Waiting Kevin McCarthy wants to take the drug war nuclear with
& soft C-Pers ( 2022/11/16/the-end-of-the-road-for-trump/) ..
direct emissions from wartime.
> whilst Ramzy still thinks politicians could solve the apartheid status of Palestine, doubt it, without USAcorp withdrawal? ( 2022/11/15/for-lulas-victory-to-matter-a-proposal-for-a-unified-palestinian-foreign-policy)
+ Words missing from Sunak’s COP <out> 27 speech (Sponsored by Coca-Cola)…
Fossil Fuels
expected to quadruple in the next few years,.. Apple’s profits in China
have doubled in the last two years, hitting $31.2 billion...United
Nations report says carbon dioxide emissions from buildings and
construction have reached an all-time high.. “What do you call nine
unelected officials deciding whether Native nations have the right to be
families and protect their children?” in a challenge to the Indian Child
Welfare Act,"
as more rons wet themselves over the ridiculous money spinning Quatar
farce ('world cup") "the surroundings of the World Cup, about the
people that have died on the construction of the stadiums."<
the perverse society the local & global sheeple made for yourselves.. obsession with the almost prodigal manc ronaldo ; <
be the pathetic Erik ten Hag & interview with Piers Morgan..manc fernando
is unhappy, but bruno is another ahole! so, MSM mentions IRAN right to
protest <
of the WARbiz cuntries players would protest about their murdering
WARbiz policies of USAcorp, Uk, France govts!
ameriCANTwriters are, as usual fixated on their FUBAR northern swamp
part of the continent ; another by melvyn "
decades of warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan should have led to a period
of soul-searching; instead we are dealing with the madness of the dual
containment of Russia and China. The philosopher John Locke warned that
“wherever law ends, tyranny begins.” <
the-mid-term-elections-and-american-foreign-policy > more NAIVETY as if
dems are much better than GOP of USAcorp cuntry (
) "linda copies our COP-OUT27 twa tter thread with another article; (
2022/11/16/another-copout-kerry-uses-last-chance-climate-summit-to-push-nuclear-powe ) //..
TOKEN uprising by plastic labour:
ChRIS> will do GOOD for goodnessake....
NO uk GOVT LAW & ORDER 33 years after HILLSBNOROUGH & still no one punished
for 97 murders!
"compliments to "jeFFrey" however to paraphrase churchill " it ( DEMOCRACY )Is far from perfect, but its th best of the rest"
however NO ONe reads after all what IS the point of saving several billion of sheeple that mostly dont even know how deep a swamp they "exist" in?????
* ... 2,747,943: number of Palestinians living in the West Bank.+ ZERO Palestinians living in the West Bank permitted to vote in the Israeli elections...+ 687: houses and buildings Israel has demolished in the West Bank this year.
* " the same Deep State that recruited actual Nazis (see Klaus Barbie) to run death squads across Central and South America killing leftwing populists? + By no means should Lula feel like the Biden administration has his back. "
* UN voted 185 to 2 to end 30 years inhumane US embargo against Cuba. two no votes: the USAholes and Israel..
* ..+ Giorgia Meloni’s Mussolini lovers include A junior minister ... was once photographed wearing a swastika armband.
* in..Biden administration, more than 0ne-third of the people housed in adult cells in migrant prisons, are children.
* ..+ CEO-to-worker pay ratio since 1965…
1965: 20-to-1
1978: 30-to-1
1989: 58-to-1
1995: 121-to-1
2020: 351-to-1
2022: 399-to-1
* + In Seattle, 191 unhoused people died on the streets from January to September of 2022.+ homeless population in California state capital has swelled by 70 percent since 2019....
* ,,.+ Post-Brexit Migrant Channel crossings to UK under the anti-immigrant Tory regime…
2018: 299
2019: 1,843
2020: 8,466
2021: 28,461
2022: 39,430
+ Tony Benn: “way government treats refugees ..shows you way they would treat rest of us if they thought they could GET away with it.”
* "“If kids got raped by clowns as often as they get raped by preachers it would be against the law to take your kids to the circus.”
* ..+ it would take 26 years for a low-earner to generate as much carbon emissions as the richest do in a single year.!
* Ticketmaster fees now cost as much as 78% OF the price of a ticket. “The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so well is that they have a common enemy.”
* ....
ChRIS> will do GOOD for goodnessake....
..nov UPdated ;
... sheeple everywhere ARE the "definition of INSANITY" politicians. lie steal, cheat, rob & break promises ; (ignore voters; fund WARbiz, violate human rights & pollution policies) BUT the sheeple pass power to them, every election time!
“If you fight you might lose; if you don’t, you have already lost.”
via Paul Street < of counter-P.... (a.k.a. slap the monster's cheek & think it will affect it) "alternative media|???
<everthing must change, Paul Young LINK>
ChRiS> ...? sad, hypocritical & simnply wrong...< > ignores previous FIFA events @ USAcorp, KILLERS of more civilians than anyother since they "won the world" in 80's & that STUPID claim that players rep "working class" of cuntries! so often establishment & business corPIRATES infuence who gets FAVOUR; LIVERPOOL WAS ONLY TOP socialist CLUB BEFORE english plastic league & USAcorp sharks INFESTED OUR CLUB!
snips from castrated so-called"OPPOSITION /alternative media" as weak as the USAcorp-dems or "plastic (UK) labour" !
whilst < > ? tells us what we "in the know" should have known just after november 2001... aboit "CO IN" ...their excuse for killing anyone who opposes USAcorp global dictatorship!
..a long artice complicating the subject & , of course SELLING yet another BOOK, promoted via C-P instead of DOING something,
BOBBy warns again < 2022/11/18/greenland-is-worse-than-ever-much-worse > Radio Ecoshock interview d/d October 26, 2022: Luke Kemp: Climate Endgame: “Greenland ice expert Jason Box warns Earth is already committed to at least another foot of sea level rise from Greenland no matter what we do.” < Robert Hunziker> even SLYtv (UK) reported on flooding at my ancestral home land of Brechin (highlands foot)...
...+ their "leader Jeffrey" often comes up with worthy snippets BUT still doesnt highlight that USAcorp is attacking russians via THUG regime of Kiev, whilst other article in their "mag" ignore that feemale uprising covers up another coup by USAcorp in Iran (hope they are beating eng_ur_land in Qatar 's plstic footy farce , but, they wont) HEY Jeff?
all wars are "CIVIL wars:
+ " a matter that might’ve sparked a catastrophic confrontation between NATO and Russia, why not reveal the liar’s name?
+ Does the AP have a nickname for the source of its fake info on the Polish missile strike?"
+ drones launched from Russia but made in Iran using components from the US and optics designed by an Israeli firm
+ “U.S. efforts to build and sustain Afghanistan’s governing institutions were a total, epic, predestined failure on par with the same efforts and outcome in the Vietnam war"
+ " Only enemies of the state end up at The Hague. Our butchers get a license to kill and a Manhattan penthouse and a yacht "
+ (USAcorp)
+ + Texas has now spent “a little over $26 million” to bus around 13,000 migrants to cities run by Democratic mayors in other states....whilst Arizona put to death 76-year-old Murray Hooper even though his case was riddled ...with fake...
+ expelled migrants 2,426,297 times from the US-Mexico border with no chance to ask for asylum, ..
+ " cop pressed his knee against the kid’s back: “If you are not acquainted with juvenile justice system, you will be very shortly.” kid was 7-years old "
& ... Rousseau, a Green member" French deserve a “right to idleness” and that being less productive is a much healthier goal. She cited=
- a new study; shows only 24% said work was important to them, compared to 60% in 1990." whilst UK has spent 20% less per person on health care than similar European countries over the past decade...
+ 27th COP..OUT! " + 700: Egyptians have been arrested in government attempts to prevent protests from breaking out during COP27 summit. " + A new SOFT EU report warns of global warming by 2100, 90,000 Europeans could die from extreme heat annually.” (IT WILL HAPPEN BY 2030) + After relinquishing its salmon-killing dams, PacifiCorp seems ready to turn to Bill Gates’ new generation of nukes…
+ + A family of four in North America uses more energy than an extended family of 200 people across large regions of Africa.
...& i wont give cockburn more than his 15mins of fame, every article is almost repeating UK fascisTORY/SLYtv PR_opaganda
we are
co-operative, community & FOOTBALL club ; local/global
GET a SUPPORTING-SHARE whilst removing USAcorp sharks from OUR CLUB
// " By remaining loyal participants in Israel’s democracy charade, politicians continue to validate Israeli establishment, thus harming Palestinians everywhere "< Arab parties will not reap meaningful political benefits, even if they collectively achieve their highest representation ever. < 2022/11/08/chasing-a-mirage-how-israel-arab-parties-validate-israeli-apartheid > ......."
the NARROW vision of so called "experts" stop inflation the cause of much of the worldsmess; th fascho capitalist sewer;
by CUTTING costs & capping construction profits -permanently (all time @ 20% then we would NOT bother to read another article ; < 2022/11/09/whats-the-problem-with-3-9-percent-annual-wage-growth > nor " “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” < 2022/11/09/no-evidence-for-psychiatrys-depression-claims-report-three-2022-research-reviews > " disastrous NATO-Russia war in Ukraine (USAcorp pawn colony) ".." " imbecilic sanctions on Russian energy. Those sanctions backfired, causing fuel prices to spike. Russia got rich, Europe is going broke and any popular support for ditching oil and gas evaporated. Good work Biden and birdbrain Eurocrats. The west shot itself in the head and set back, possibly a decade, the cause of transitioning off fossil fuels." < > " only way such so-called leaders – who quite complacently have led us to the brink of nuclear annihilation – can be forced to do anything right. Fear of millions of people with a cause. Otherwise a grim, desolate future awaits. "
... INSANE /perversion of a fascho capitalist SWAMP infests the once "beautiful game" of my youth ; < > sure mancs were traditionally (Fergie & since) told to "get in the face" of refs// but a 82k fine against ManU is the equivalent of fining a middle-class englishman a fiver! ... and the irony of feemale english footy players & fans threatening to boycott < > <Eimear Ryan: Boycotting the World Cup in Qatar is not as easy as it sounds for fans > however their g0vt exporting UK RASCISM to Rwanda, funding WARbiz murder & a fascist Ukraine regime (pawn of USAcorp) whilst still an estimated 25,000 kids die daily due to "western democracies" or millions dying from their POLLUTION is NEVER "trendy enough" to get them into the streets in ACTUAL PROTESTS!
OF COURSE MY/OUR "we are the Club campaign" & supporters shareholding initiative (since before 2007) is blocked by USAcorps net GUestapo ..clearly fen way sharks wont want me to promote a co-op between 30 million online fans & "ABB" to enable a minimum 50 % share for global REdS .. : BUKKSHYTE reigns in their USAcorp sewer : < blah b;ah @ FSG’s steady, successful stewardship > better go to : REdGEMnet logs at
plus ;
re ALTERNATIVE media from Alex ; USAcorp troops in puppet cun try ukraine < > repeating the mistakes of ameriCANT incursion into Vietnam etc.. the world <bent> sheriffs, again!
,,, yesterday I Celebrated the CELTS new year<semain> arguably the original tribes of europe were/are "Celts"
the romans called my ancestors (from grannys side) Gaules, but they hit an adrians wall as they enslaved a million and committed physical & cultural GENOCIDE of natives almost as efficiently as USAcorp did on the :americas: continent..
"the church" <IMO is the POLITICAL interpretation of the true SPIRIT of our universe> destroyed communities & replaced them with violent hierarchy...wiped our culture & natures medicines and the evil continues this day when so called intellectuals still enroll their kids as FODDER for their monster destroying HUMANITY & nature!
so instead of dumping on the weakness of "alternative media' to challenge their fascho-capitaist rulers <game of THORNS MSM> ; i will extract whatever from their "gospel choir preaching articles" <from C-P> etc which compliment the aims OF FREE local & global co-operative resistance;
: Tens of thousands protested against the skyrocketing cost of living and against Macron in France October 16 :
: Huge protests occurred in Rome the same day to demand an end to Italy’s involvement in NATO : Thousands protesting in Paris October 22 against NATO, protests against NATO and inflation due to sanctions on Russian energy in France, Germany and Austria in September; German police beat citizens protesting energy shortages and record-high inflation, both due to Russia sanctions, the week of October 1 ; . Seventy thousand Czechs protested in Prague September 3 against NATO involvement in Ukraine, demanding gas from Russia;
unlikely ? fascho Berlusconi almost nailing reality on the head, October 20 that (USAcorp backed!) Ukraine provoked Russia didnt argue Kiev did so by slaughtering 14,000 Russian-speakers in the Donbass since 2014? NATO’s criminal 1999 bombing of Serbia? Nowadays Biden and NATO's Stoltenberg would have you believe NATO is a “defensive” organization, just as IRAQ had WMD ??? flooding Ukraine with weapons, CIA operatives and some special forces....(from Eve; 2022/10/28/the-military-industrial-media-complex-strikes-again>
whilst here is a couple of articles for you to read & MASS-debate when attempting to escape a RADIATION cloud or avoid drowning from a global TSUNAMI < yes GOODness save me from "intellectuals" who would rather chat than DO anything that IMPROVES society >
* 2022/10/18/our-human-irony-fire-people-on-a-fire-planet ... if it matter who owns <anti>socialmedia ;
* 2022/10/31/elon-musk-takes-over-twitter-can-we-stop-wasting-time-on-campaign-finance-reform
and as another ameriCANT writer tells what we should already know; ( 2022/10/30/understanding-britains-political-crisis )
those who"TALK rebellion"& improve NOTHING <plastic labour party> invite you to "DISCUSSION"..
Alex with more Alternative MEDIA ; Putin Rejects Globalism, Fair World System, Warns of Great Dangers Ahead
< >
govts inhibit progress of HUMANITY;
nationflags incite hatred;
burning passports &"dont pay" are slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEings! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
the "clock went back" this weekend// "RON-ic" how local & global society advances technology whilst the mentality becomes more - ronic NEANDATHAL?? ...
C-P writes more & more articles but its just "choir preaching" which seems to be COUNTER productive! YES. we KNOW that "International Trade Union Confederation have invariably shown no country fully protects workers’ rights & repression of laboUr organizing is increasing"
WELL, NO "democratic govt" applies the UDHR/ECHR since WW2!
< 2022/10/22/its-a-clean-sweep-not-one-country-guarantees-workers-rights > ...USAcorp violates the world's international law time after time & sanctions which hurt poor people, not Putin! < 2022/10/10/how-the-wests-sanctions-on-russia-boomeranged > ........
snips previous & present;
ChRiS> any SANE individual knows that since 50 years or more any incumbant of white house or downing street is either shark, snake, bufoon, puppet or a combination..yet the enslaved sheeple keeps on voting yet another minnow into power over their lives! ChRiSlive
" I know u are appearing to be pro-ukraine, however even if i am no fan of Putin, its clear IF he had done nothing the WARbiz machine of USAcorp/NAzTO/C1A would have had nukes positioned on the russian border pointed at Moscow by now....... I know their mentality well, they broke all promises, after unification of BRD, NOT to recruit nations east of berlin!
Ukraine is as corrupt, with a lot of fascists too, is being used as a pawn to damage russia but sanctions against Putin are hurting many other peoples worldwide inc the sheeple of NATO nations.. "
C-P < >writers keep on wasting your valuable time with regurgitating the same themes
but if you cant act : see' < 2022/10/10/how-the-wests-sanctions-on-russia-boomeranged > ,< 2022/10/17/bad-leaders-declining-nations-uk-italy-and-russia/ > & take pieces from these AND... < 2022/10/18/our-human-irony-fire-people-on-a-fire-planet >
extracted their "Jeffrey"s snips;
“It is difficult at times to repress the thought that history is about as instructive as an abattoir; that Tacitus was right and that peace is merely the desolation left behind after the decisive operations of merciless power.”
+ +On October 14 two protesters of "Just Stop Oil" threw tomato soup on glass covering van Gogh’s Sunflowers; " generates more outrage than the ongoing decimation of the planet."
+ + Van Gogh: “It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to
+ "apartheid walls, overpasses and boxcars serving as the canvasses of the poor and oppressed, free for all to view, no lines, reservations or special exhibition fees."
<lyrics of "Vincent" > ?
+ Pentagon, (USAcorp) a global arms retailer; wanted to use latest high-tech weaponry, to please its contractors (Raytheon, Lockheed, Grumman, Boeing) & to test how US weapons would fare against the Russian military.
+ WE SUGGESTED some time ago that the global sheeple are so gullible that if USAcorp nuked in ukraine & blamed the russians , their MSM would make it "expected" for USAcorp reaction v russians! ( see also @angelo4justice3 )?
+ <USAcorp> funds the technology behind Chinese hypersonic missiles in order to justify huge contracts to Boeing, Raytheon and Lockheed for a new generation of US missiles to counter the looming >Chinese missile threat<.
+ In addition to the retired generals and admirals for hire, the US still deploys 65,000 military on-duty personnel across Saudi and the Gulf region.
+ + Since 2014, law enforcement <?> officers have routinely seized more property from American citizens than burglars. Last year police agencies across the US deposited more than $5 billion into their respective asset forfeiture funds. burglary losses only hit $3.5 billion.
+ wealth distribution in 2019 found that the top 1% owned 1/3 of total family wealth; top 10% owned 72%, while the bottom half owned a mere 2%.
+ + Korean auto giant Hyundai is planning to sever ties with some parts suppliers after finding exploitative child labor in its supply chain. The suppliers are located in … Alabama.
+ in Annual Review of Environment and Resources estimates that under a low warming scenario melting permafrost would release 55 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere..
. + Even so, fewer than half of those questioned in global poll now believe climate change poses a “very serious threat“
… " “Columbus initiated a new world genocide of Indigenous people. He murdered. He mutilated. He took slaves. "
+ “I’ve just made TraumaZone, ... an experiment to create an extreme form of capitalism. I made it because I don’t think we in the west understand what the Russians went through: a cataclysm that tore apart the foundations of society.”
+ Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front, “a German’s grim view of World War I.” Where, pray tell, does one turn for the “happy” view of WW I, the annual reports of Dow Chemical and the other companies who supplied the poison gas?
above ; delete "political" & "control"
ab*ut ChRiS; ...The alternative"Mr Smith"
this is the "TRAILER" of a TRUE story...
like so many heroes & anti-heroes or "mavericks" theres always an alternative story
the film "Matrix" had one of the "agent Smith:..
this is our version.. a true one... (coped from #ChRiSlive $REdGEMnet)
<from "now2bAlien">
a universal spirit chose a family from the Island north of europe (Briton?) to host a child born to a mature couple who had survived WW2
and he became the youngest , by 10 years born into that socialist home..
An intense child, who suffered from migrains.. who listened to the exchanges of his parents and his brothers & sister , he was 10 years their junior..and alone in his room, studied science fiction, addicted to SF TV like "space patrol" and later "Star Trek" at 10 studied Strategies of WW2 generals ...and was "at home" when playing 007 with his neighbours
...his mother told him much about life, who was engaged in socialist politics
he loved her & his honest, quiet, but strong father. he soaked up info..
migraines stole school time... but when fit would spend all day playing football in the fields
or acting out imaginary stories in the empty concrete AA bunkers...
; Bill and Nancy Smith, buried at Canvey showed much love, Everyone loved died or was stolen, saw hia Dad buried, the only funeral he was able to attend. having survived being Blind at the age of 5 , falling on a glass bottle in a field. coped with being alone in an adult eye hospital in London, 3 months blind and 3 months recovery.
C> " protected a polio kid on my first day of school, and knocked out a bully with one punch!
Enjoyed history and Geography , had a bad art & music teacher , and was top in Maths & english.
became the youngest captain of the local amateur football team"
. but abandoned his great passion, to help his family income, & a job ,given at his first and last proper interview, at 16, in wine shipping co, London
The first "sexual relationship" with a girl who then told him she had a daughter from a man who ran off and left her, so married her and adopted 6 month old Sarah. Adam was born a year later...
became Manager (Logistics) of London shipping co. at the age of 19, when they found he could do the job,cheaper and better than the older man, (middle aged man) with house, wife amd adopted family.
His first wife left him , going home to visit her mother , she met a younger man, (!) after ADAM was born..
" she left me a " dearjohn" note"
and Smith's pain turned into energy channeled into career & took over his time though,.( but still managed to support his club during business travels later)
Joined "ISIS shipping" (hello c1a!) London and became international Commercial manager ,organising shipments taking over from middle aged Peter King, began pan - european travel & negotiating agent tarifs at 21..and a couple of years later, after crashing his first new company car on a french holiday with girfriend (GM) crashed another car during an interview with another company, which he quit a week later, before becoming Youngest manager (new service development) of the largest logistics company in europe (Calberson)with head office in Paris, then head-hunted by Essel shipping London, who "bought" HIM)
was fired after a rumour betrayed him, Started Seabrook & Smith Ltd, in the middle of a recession, had unique a method of management , with just 2 people organising the movement of several million bottles from zero with just 500 GBP invested.tHus, Achieved all career goals before age 30, to be a manager, to travel, to own own company & after just 2 years as instigator, MD/co-owner was Multi millionaire (based on todays monetary value) married the beautiful Jacqui, best friend & colleague of his gf !!
Some meddling by partners wife...after leaving S & S."party period" , formed 8 companies; agencies, import/export, shipping, distribution, forwarding, wine warehouse and wine bar, had to deal with family crisis when Informed
"that my first wife had allowed one of her many BFs to violate My children Sarah & Adam, (discovered 5 years later) Adam died as adult. mental sickness...(drugs ^ etc) "
After he survived betrayal by investment partners,(one who died in a :plane crash; RW) conspiracy by ex partner GF, Linda & Brother , losing a Million GBP& family. house and all assets, became :house man: and started again.... became freelance strategic manager, initiating many different networking and JV projects including lecturing senior police commanders about security management, developed confidential protects, met many unusual govt and business characters before starting ANOTHER new career included 1988 awarded commendation for record investment achievement, highest commission earned whilst consulting for SAS (Sun Alliance Services) :) within 1 year of training.
...during this changing travel time.. was Made "man of the year" (during Bordeaux covention) by Round Table International (europe)
CRS>" for my achievements in international co-ordination, also RT Italia gave "homorary membership, despite being "loose" unattached to any fixed location."
made some new profit which was invested all into 7 years construction of Global networking multi media project ("to end all projects") development of multi-media comms connecting clients in 45 countries, with 300 partner companies & 500+ online "intranet" services .....Having Walked away, unhurt, from 3 car crashes where the cars were "written off" ...("Trento too with Jacqui, Karen & dave, story at Wine bar")... At the network fruition , after a week negotiating , amongst other things , the commercialization of former soviet satellite system,to employ 2k ppl, "silicon valley"
.....survived a meningitis induced coma
and was
"Born again" ; dropped out of system, with a clear vision of a better world. vowed NEVER to work for money again, and be HONEST in all endeavours , whatever the cost, for the sake of the planets children.
* Formed Freedome & Union (mission) & associated charity projects (EPOCH)
Human Shields - protection of hospitals & schools in Baghdad pre-invasion
Medinetz - free health services for "sans papier" migrants/refugees
NGO.s for ... those violated by the state, & estranged children & parents
Eco courses for ebvironmental education & anti nuclear and anti pollution actions
During 10 years of "alternative activism" made 54 complaints against german "Beamte" police, attorneys, judges, civil servants, officials, politicians & citizens at ECHR (Strasbourg) (state reacted by fake deportation and assisted theft of children Leon & Noela.)
Organised first "RED nose (charity) events in Netherlands (Groeningen) & Montenegro (Danilovgrad)
Youth Teams - Sponsored in the Balkans & various charitable projects (* RED nose events and support for various individuals)..girlsd Dojo, kiddies soccer schools & managed "cadet" TEAM (Zabjelo, Pg) ...and was "attacked" for forming , sponsoring and promoting ALTERNATIVE football confederation...(AeFan ; eurofootyliga) ...
is now....??????? ChRiS Alone , but not lonely! still seeking intelligent human lifeforms! ;)
a true report!
" time to let game do the talking " <
& if you wish to DISconnect; GO & watch kiddies FOOTBALL, yes outside, in WINTER! ;)
recommended films
* < "true "plan" may be for people to fight for their free will and write their own destinies ">
* < notice the "Collateral Beauty", which she has learned to recognize as acts of selfless kindness that follow tragedies. >
& < >
pre match
after the European WIN ;JK

spurs were out of it by half time, JK & staff didn't SEE what was so CLEAR to me;
Bobby was tired , yes, but Thiago, IMO is a poser, strolling, have nothing creative to the game & left a big hole for the assist to Kockney K&nt Kane to make it seem desperate,
OX should have been on for Bobby, as much as i like Curtis, & Hendo for Thiago on 60 minutes
and then MAYBE it would have stayed at 0-2 or even 0-3 or more & JK needs to get someone to talk to DarWIN, to take a few deep breaths because he has the potential to be great but also..
to NOT//and that will be Jk's fault! missed the "3 little birds" that started the game & set the tone, away SUPPORT is always 100 times better than anfield's "spectators" <inside ajax 0- LIVERPOOL 3>

I know u will delete this..but...
Paul, get off yr f-ing soap box, YOU MAKE IT SO CLEAR in your opening statement that YOU are also willing to sell your soul & REdMEN TV to the highest bidder, so of course you wont attack fenn way in the manner of a TRUE REd socialist KOPITE would have, SoS are now as WEAK as the "plastic labour " party in opposing the USAcorp sharks WARbiz, or the fascisTORY govt, the false mentality is inside the english plastic money league & in your USAcolony cuntry!! sure u do some charity ,and SO you should! .. so do all the sharks, because it is tax deductable! & they prote it (Nivea etc) in connection with advertising their brand!
Hypocritical Paul, i recall how criticism caused the "bitter REd" comments by you, etc! ...the lad is offended" ? FFS grow up! ... you take on the role as being a voice of fans.. & u make mistakes, if you didnt feed the fickle fan nies knee jerking u wouldnt get so much stick from me..
Paul, telling how hard it is for YOU because of you want more time with your kids, when so many people are struggling , dont wear , man!
NONE of you,, none of the "SoS committe" or the "fans on the board" have experience or enough spirit to challenge the sharks,& its lip service to fans FFS! wake up! ... u are so blind to think that Juergen a multi millionaire employee who never opposes henry & co to even come close to what Shanks did , or even Bob (Shanks assistant) u havent got a clue , man!
fen way are buddies of WAR biz, pollution policies, discrimination, racuism & destruction of nature & humanity! ,, but the lad doesn't want such owners// so NAIVE! < >
true REdS?
will YOU JOIN true REdS TAKing-OUT fen way sharks? :
how to get new club SUPPORTING-SHARE!
even pre 2007; & in 2013 ;
the BEST teams mix it up, ..the english plastic money league is full ofMSM "favourites" ... "owners" "experts" & pundits are slaves to MSM too ...fickle & impatient, and luck may favour the brave, sometimes, anyway "talksh&te" is full of crap, but i would listen to Graeme, ..
will YOU JOIN true REdS TAKing-OUT fen way sharks? :
co-operative, community & FOOTBALL club ; local/global
even pre 2007; & in 2013 ;
your insane USAcorp dictatorship, NAzTO could nuke Kiev, blame "ruskiecommies" & global sheeple might well swallow more MSM PR_opaganda!
F&U co-op! burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
more ?gameofTHORNS? reminders ;
ReplyDelete+ + It’s official. The UN’s latest environment report concludes that there’s “no credible path to 1.5C warming.”
+ 58% of infectious diseases (218 out of 375) confronted by humanity worldwide have been exacerbated by climatic change,
+ + Marlon Brando (1973): “When we hear that we are a country that stands for freedom and justice for everyone – it simply doesn’t apply to those who are not white.”
+ in the first half of 2022 sales of Electric Vehicles in China, despite its slowing economy, eclipsed those in the rest of the world combined.
+ Meanwhile, India is set to expand its solar power generation capacity by more than 25gw this year–ten times more than any other country.
+ Adidas and its founders–friends of Hitler, supplier of the Hitler Youth, exploiter of prison camp labor. While Adidas kept its fortune after the war to become a global behemoth
+ (Saudi) “kingdom’s oil decisions can influence the election or non-election of the president of the United States, the largest and strongest country in the world.”
+ the so often mistaken writer COCKburn giving FAR too much attention to the latest midget PM is corect with " keep in mind that Sunak backed Brexit, voted to leave the EU, without a withdrawal agreement... putting up trade barriers with its largest market; in 2016 the British economy was 90 per cent the size of Germany’s. Now it is less than 70 per cent."
+ " led a gang of corporate raiders on Dutch bank ABN Amro, forcing its sale to RBS a disastrous acquisition that eventually sparked the bank’s crash in January 2009, shares fell by 67%. British taxpayers bailed out the RBS, Rishi and cohorts walked away with more than £100 million."
curious entertainment ; comparing with your :global reality show:
* make your energy worth life... and...
then PLEASE kick out the USAcorp WARbiz shark buddies in your Lfc/fsg boardroom?
Deletebecause they are bad conmen isnt enough of a reason for u & plastic "SoS" union ?
?REdGEMnet via
RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
...nov 2
Deleteenement Rebel Bitch 🏴🍒
Retweeted your reply
because in 80's the world "was won" by fascho-capitalism & decades of soul-less society since incites hateREd! selfish sheeple dont care!
Good performance, tough game between 2 good sides, lets go all the way & bring home number 7?
p.s. lay off Joe & Fab ... stop blaming scapegoats when Jk & the team get it wrong! be fair ; learn from original KOPITES how to Support ; anfield woke up in 2nd half! < >
Replying to
best wishes Rafa, best manager of EPL era (error) ideal for LIVERPOOL; Stevie as 1st team coach, Rafa as football director (transfers & all football policies) and myself as C.E.O keeping usa orp a.k.a. fen way sharks out of OUR club!
bring home number 7?
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
.....................NOV 1
we were louder when goal down!
U blame Joe but not Allie , who slipped, or VVD who didnt defend their winner? Fab was playing well , and should have stayed on to help hendo secure midfield , JK's mistake
.."experts" & "pundits" still wont get it that coming SO close to an incredible QUAD last season, & JK / Lfc fsg not giiving the squad a proper rest in summer has taken its toll, its sure that Gini & MANe havent yet been fully replaced, and there is noi luck with injuries when the ball dont run for U, fan nies are impatient and many fanzines (& talksh7te of course) just wants more klick-bait! Jk & the squad need as much rest during this world cup interuption faarce & will probably win everything after xmas! p.s. feck the fen way sharks because they are sharks , that enough of a reason!
?REdGEMnet" klick bait by echo hacks!
YOU ARE enSLAVED, local & global! to MSM!
Deleteinsurgency inevitable! join FREE local/global co-op!
RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
then PLEASE kick out the USAcorp WARbiz shark buddies in your Lfc/fsg boardroom?
because they are bad conmen isnt enough of a reason for u & plastic "SoS" union ?
most comments from those who dont know anything about football supporting of the 80's: UEFA chose a decrepit stadium, twas "hatehistory" from Rome 84, Juve ultras threw bottles, stadium & police chief charged immediately (unlike "89) "footy tourists" were in open stand!
?REdGEMnet via
RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
LIVERPOOL 2 napoli 0 < Mo, DarWIN ) late but deserved win ... even at 0-0 it was a good game to watch
...........HT 0-0 and the REdS had probably the better chances
Curtis coming Good..Bobby back-heal (JK?) Mo laid on a chance for Thiago whose shot was at an easy height for their GK! tight game, enjoyable
& of course noisy away fans...need the SUPPORT to shut them up!
fan nies & kiddies channel! Pre Liverpool v Napoli really hate the slytv/msm reporters ... they dont ask questions, they make statements , ...feckem , have reviewed the recent league defeats ,,, and the meltdown of MSM "pundits & experts" & extreme reaction of the Lfc/fen way cloned fan nies ..and whilst ball possesion does not win games , the "depth" of criticism does not reflect in the actual play of those games ...
MSM "pundits" have been blind to the good moves i watched from those game, and its typical of petty minds to pick out Joe and Fab, when "favourites" like Thiago have produced very little effective moves & VVD was arguably responsible for waving a leg instead of defending against the forest goal, & ball watching as Summerville scored leeds winner! oppositions Gks keep performing MotM too, doesnt help an unlucky srike force without MANe, & now Jota & LuisD!
.so, be fair and BE LOUD tonight as the anfield crowd is pitiful when the TEAM needs them or when its not a big match! hoping the TEAM has some energy input as the squad is still recovering from the QUAD effort, as is JK, IMO! ?REdGEMnet < lfctv build up ; >
Deletefollowed you
Replying to
Bless ya.
Tenement Rebel Bitch 🏴🍒
Retweeted your reply
because in 80's the world "was won" by fascho-capitalism & decades of soul-less society since incites hateREd! selfish sheeple dont care!
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
updated blog...
too much chat &too little honesty ; its probably too late to rescue 99.99% of global population from the hell your own selfish policies have made since at least 4 decades of fasch-caoitalism : :
YOU ARE enSLAVED, local & global! to MSM BS! your govt incite hatREd inhibiting human BEing;
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
(TAW ; the anfield CRAP>
most of your fan nies are just lfc/fsg cloned ; probably tecting instead of watching the game properly ;
turn the sound off... & stop making Fab , or Joe your scapegoats!
BRIXTON PEOPLE'S KITCHEN ; "If it wasn't for this project, I would have gone hungry many times..." Kemi, Brixton People’s Kitchen
Before running Brixton People’s Kitchen (and its sister charity Be
Enriched), Kemi used it herself to access healthy meals and support.After an accident left her unable to work, she struggled to pay bills,
pay for food, and keep a roof over her head.
“I know what the people who use our service are going through, lots of
people are really struggling to put food on the table for themselves and
their families.
We provide a vital service for them and a safe, warm place to come and
eat. If it wasn't for this project, I would have gone hungry many
times...” Kemi, Brixton People's Kitchen
Brixton People’s Kitchen, and so many other organisations like it,
offer people a lifeline in times of struggle. For the millions in the UK
who were already living close to poverty before the cost of living
started to rise, the time of struggle is now.
refreshing & intelligent comment from Rafa; pre LIV v nap ;
Deletemore than 800 military bases in over 100 countries and enough nuclear weapons to blow up the world many times over, the reach of its empire and its capacity to destroy life on Earth dwarfs the dark power of the Third Reich or any other previous nation state. It has long stood in the vanguard of the “fossil-capitalist” and now increasingly “fossil fascist” (Malm and the Zetkin Collective’s terms) project of turning the entire planet into a giant Greenhouse Gas Chamber
....... people are struggling hard under very severe circumstances, all over the world to achieve rights and justice. ..
“There is the potential for something of unprecedented beauty to arise out of unspeakable ugliness.” ... "< 2022/10/31/revolutionary-marxism-vs-chomsky-reflections-on-a-recent-interview >" i respect P. Street however ths sees lke MASS-de...
whilst world smolders... prefer improveet via F-ngo & ..ACT! & this is perverse "Equalize Up a capitalist dem proposal
...several more articles that repeat & repeat preachig of C-P-ers ; <2022/11/02/world-nuclear-industry-status-report-delivers-all-the-empirical-data-we-need-to-know-about-nuclear-powers-decline> ; & " Bush imposed order through the UN, from 2004 until 2019. n international scandal, with UN forces repressing the democratic resistance, exploiting impoverished women in the sex trade, and introducing cholera——killing an estimated 10,000 people. " < 2022/11/02/no-u-s-intervention-in-hait > & agais gives political midgets more tha their 15m of fame; < 2022/11/02/a-deficit-spending-scam-destroyed-uks-prime-minister-whos-next/ > ?
Klopp's Lpool freedom of ... ? < > Klopp shd have rested sqad & himself pre season
pre spurs v LIVERPOOL
Deleteas the weekend approaches the little englander gascho - capitalists repeat the USAcorp dictatorship into Sport < 'the Poppy" an image of my youth represented those fallen in ww1 & ww2 , since then used as "political-sympathy weaponizing"
< >
LbiRD_REdGEMnet November 4, 2022 at 07:55
Deletepre spurs v LIVERPOOL
& < >
pre match
after the European WIN ;JK
ReplyDeleteinsurgency inevitable! join FREE local/global co-op!
RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
.My dear Chris,
I have a very specific and special news for you: your love life, as you know it today, is about to change!
I know what you’re thinking right from the start Chris. I know that, from all the areas of your life, your love life is the matter on which you are not really expecting any changes. And yet, I can tell that you are secretly hoping for some!
Well, your wishes will come true Chris because in the next weeks, special transits are going to strike right at your love life and revive the passion, the dreams, the projects you thought were impossible!
Those transits I see coming in your sky (and that I will detail on your page Chris) will get you out of the routine, of the habits, of the boredom I would even dare say, that surrounds your love life.
Yes Chris, your love life is about to reach a new step, more fulfilling, more passionate, more satisfying every day, more supportive, more balanced. If you thought your love life couldn’t evolve, well Chris, you’re not expecting what those transits will bring you.
So as promised, here is the link leading to your page right below. I detail all the transits I started mentioning, all their consequences, and what you should do to ensure that dream love life I see coming for you. Everything is there:
Your friend and personal Astrologer,
whats a "myth" when whole world is insane version of "matrix meets monty-python" ?
ignorance wont solve FAKE crisis!
haven't had a decent govt in 50 years, ignorant sheeple & plastic labour wont solve FAKE crisis!
insurgency inevitable! INITIATIVE @ FREE local/global co-op!
RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
ChriS Dix
Replying to
and 2 others
successful? colonization, pollution, WARbiz distribution no biggies; just mental midgets, conmen, sheeple & sharks?
insurgency inevitable! @ FREE local/global co-op!
RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
Frank Farquar
Replying to
and 2 others
It's only dumping British nationalism, successfully practiced all over the world. No biggie :/
then PLEASE kick out the USAcorp WARbiz shark buddies in your Lfc/fsg boardroom?
because they are bad conmen isnt enough of a reason for u & plastic "SoS" union ?
most comments from those who dont know anything about football supporting of the 80's: UEFA chose a decrepit stadium, twas "hatehistory" from Rome 84, Juve ultras threw bottles, stadium & police chief charged immediately (unlike "89) "footy tourists" were in open stand!
?REdGEMnet via
RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
....nov 5
ReplyDeletemore alternative media ; < > border patrol gestapo of USAcor
all borders are a VIOLATION of humanity!
why havent you overthrown your corrupt / inept govt/corprate masters???
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEings!
JK on the riidiculous FIFA money spinner world cup interuption of our season;
...........LbiRD_REdGEMnet4 November 2022 at 07:55
pre spurs v LIVERPOOL
as the weekend approaches the little englander fascho - capitalists repeat the USAcorp dictatorship into Sport < 'the Poppy" an image of my youth represented those fallen in ww1 & ww2 , since then used as "national political-sympathy weaponizing"
< >
& < >
pre match
after the European WIN ;JK
...and you STILL havent absorbed these:
as with many great players over 30, MANe recently too fen way sharks under-value them & therefore they undermine loyalty of JK etc!
the infestation is in Lfc boardroom!
@ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo < >
ChRiS>I'll put the kettle on! ;)
Screenshots of some of your Hillsborough tweets are becoming quite'll be getting a visit from the police soon...enjoy the attention you needed dickhead👍
Replying to
and 3 others
Screenshots of some of your Hillsborough tweets are becoming quite'll be getting a visit from the police soon...enjoy the attention you needed dickhead👍
.........................nov 4
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEings!
agreed, difficult to know who is bigger "comedian" here; midget politician starmer, boyle, isreali
fans pointing fingers at JC, or anyone calling that party "labour"? more please, Rose, luv "we arent english we are scouse"
,,, yesterday I Celebrated the CELTS new year arguably the original tribes of europe were/are "Celts"
the romans called my ancestors (from grannys side) Gaules, but they hit an adrians wall as they enslaved a million and committed physical & cultural GENOCIDE of natives almost as efficiently as USAcorp did on the :americas: continent..
"the church" destroyed communities & replaced them with vilent huierarchy...wiped our culture & natures medicines and the evil continues this day when so called intellectuals still enrol their kids as FODDER for tghe monster destroying HUMANITY & nature!
Deleteso instead of dumping on the weakness of "alternative media' to challenge their fascho-capitaist rulers ; i will extract whatver from their "gospel choir preaching articles" etc which compliment the aims OF FREE local & global co-operative resistance;
: Tens of thousands protested against the skyrocketing cost of living and against Macron in France October 16 :
: Huge protests occurred in Rome the same day to demand an end to Italy’s involvement in NATO : Thousands protesting in Paris October 22 against NATO, protests against NATO and inflation due to sanctions on Russian energy in France, Germany and Austria in September; German police beat citizens protesting energy shortages and record-high inflation, both due to Russia sanctions, the week of October 1 ; . Seventy thousand Czechs protested in Prague September 3 against NATO involvement in Ukraine, demanding gas from Russia;
unlikely ? fascho Berlusconi almost nailing reality on the head, October 20 that (USAcorp backed!) Ukraine provoked Russia didnt argue Kiev did so by slaughtering 14,000 Russian-speakers in the Donbass since 2014? NATO’s criminal 1999 bombing of Serbia? Nowadays Biden and NATO's Stoltenberg would have you believe NATO is a “defensive” organization, just as IRAQ had WMD ??? flooding Ukraine with weapons, CIA operatives and some special forces....(from Eve; 2022/10/28/the-military-industrial-media-complex-strikes-again>
whilst a couple of article for you to read & MASS-debate when attempting to escape a RADIATION cloud or avoid drowning from a global TSUNAMI < yes GOODness save me from "intellectuals" who would rather chat than DOanything that IMPROVES society >
* 2022/10/18/our-human-irony-fire-people-on-a-fire-planet ... if it matter who owns socialmedia ;
* 2022/10/31/elon-musk-takes-over-twitter-can-we-stop-wasting-time-on-campaign-finance-reform
and as another ameriCANT writer tells what we should already know; ( 2022/10/30/understanding-britains-political-crisis )
those who"TALK rebellion"& improve NOTHING invite you to "DISCUSSION"..
and "footy interlude" about hw MSM fecked OUR "beautiful game"
" time to let game do the talking " < > I watch with locals with no sound itrs better than clueless commentators imposing their limited opinions on MY game! :p... Qataris BUY FOOTBALL fan "influencers" to promote their money spinning world cup, which has been allowed to disrupt european football.. claim that the influencers are “leaders within their communities.” But Football Supporters Europe group, which is recognised by UEFA to consult on fan issues, disputed that assertion.> WE KNOW UEFA is corrupt !! > the corrupt are critics of the FUBAR! thats the modness that rules your world! ...and as the REdS overcome "the best: Napoli team JK managed to get it right, last night < ? >I still feel that last seasons massive QUAD challenge took much our of the players, energy, emotions, psychologiccal as much as physical, no summer rest & injuries follow!
& if you wish to DISconnect; GO & watch kiddies FOTTBALL, yes outside, in WINTER! ;)
recommended films "hereafter: and..
* < "true "plan" may be for people to fight for their free will and write their own destinies ">
* < notice the "Collateral Beauty", which she has learned to recognize as acts of selfless kindness that follow tragedies. >
ReplyDelete.........more ALTERNATIVE media from Alex ; USAcorp troops in puppet cun try ukraine < > repeating the mistakes of ameriCANT incursion into Vietnam etc.. the world sheriffs, again!
overthrow your corrupt govt/corprate masters?
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEings!
if the lass sang "the songs" she is ok in my book ; rather hear her voice than posh atkinson!
still too much moaning among the TAW & other fan nies < >
dont think we will see a consistent REdS until after the world cup debacle , was always going to be a FUBAR season, I just hope that number 7 could be won in Istanbul..
propose (NOT predict)
Joe Ibou (would rest VVD, who IMO caused more goals against than Joe) Ibou needs games
Trent Hendo Fab Thiago Robbo
Ox Curtis
& feck spurs with a reverse counter attacking style... ha ha , tongue in cheek!
p.s, I am BORED with BORED TAW fans on here going on about what we all know, they made mistakes, grow up!
.............JK pre match ;
DeleteYET still the Utubers post the "vaccine info" with this video, there is no SHOCK to any intelligent person who knows that pharma, govt w.h.o. & the (anti)social media dictators CONNED the sheeple , its a a shock that it took this long for so many to start to realise it after 4 decades of fascho-capitalist lies & cheating?
spurs 1 LIVERPOOL 2 (Mo)
should have been more comfortable.. Jk, not for the first time is slow with subs, at least 10 minutes late! I feel he needs a rest as much as anyone... TAW talk about Bobby , but I would have had Ox for him eitherat start or at H-T, he looked tired and watch Thiagos game ; he was OFF & would have had HENDO on for him at 60 mins because he didnt do much creative , was posing & strolling when TEAM needed chasing & working ... all gave the ball away too easily at time, but Thiago failure to track back allowed the assist for Kocky Kane, & I really hate seeing that K*** score against the REdS! REfGEMnet
< > blocked???
Delete...nov 7
ReplyDelete...........feck COP-OUT 27!
30 years too late; MSM NOW discuss "the climate" ; as useful as baling with a bucket whilst the Titanic sank! cut the chat, dont give midget politicians yr time! .
insurgency inevitable V corrupt govt/corpirates;
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEings!
Russian could see the region as civilian uprising however illegal combatants from uSAcorp or their colonies might get seen as armed spies which exclude geneva convention as in Vietnam ?
re ALTERNATIVE media from Alex ; USAcorp troops in puppet cun try ukraine < > repeating the mistakes of ameriCANT incursion into Vietnam etc.. the world sheriffs, again!
Nataly Anderson
liked your reply
"family court" ? many aspects of govt that will be removed by global co-operative, in time!
overthrow corrupt govt/corprate masters??
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEings!
Justice For Sara
Replying to
And I Don’t Play. When it Comes to. The Powers that Be.
Justice For Sara
.............your govt? see attached, only politicians provide "twitter-size" solutions to 2000 years of global mis-rule! #ChriSlive
Replying to
How? What Gov?
liked your reply
i wonder how many evertonians realise that his name reversed is almost C O V I D ?
blues must be relieved he has left Merseyside!
..........spurs 1 LIVERPOOL 2 Mo
spurs were out of it by half time, JK & staff didnt SEE what was so CLEAR to me;
Bobby was tired , yes, but Thiago, IMO is a poser, strolling, have nothing creative to the game & left a big hole for the assist to Kockney K&nt Kane to make it seem desperate,
OX should have been on for Bobby, as much as i like Curtis, & Hendo for Thisago on 60 minutes
anmd then MAYBE it would have stayed at 0-2 or even 0-3 or more & JK meeds to get someone to talk to DarWIN, to take a few deep breaths because he has the potential to be great but also..
to NOT//and that will be Jk's fault! missed the "3 little birds" that started the game & set the tone, away SUPPORT is always 100 times better than anfield's "spectators"
Delete @Ross Harbinson and WHO are you? a nobody! yet another "jump on the Lfc bandwagon fan nie" > ? every coach makes mistake ; and JK has often delayed subs too long... its nothing new, even during the trophy seasons! get over it & grow up! .....................
DeleteMyPOD-Net (mc5)
MyPOD-Net (mc5)
15 hours ago
should have been more comfortable.. Jk, not for the first time is slow with subs, at least 10 minutes late! I feel he needs a rest as much as anyone... TAW talk about Bobby , but I would have had Ox for him eitherat start or at H-T, he looked tired and watch Thiagos game ; he was OFF & would have had HENDO on for him at 60 mins because he didnt do much creative , was posing & strolling when TEAM needed chasing & working ... all gave the ball away too easily at time, but Thiago failure to track back allowed the assist for Kocky Kane, & I really hate seeing that K*** score against the REdS!
Ross Harbinson
3 hours ago
Yeah I'm sure u know better than klopp who took us to wer wee are and won us the lot... ya absolute knobjockey
Delete.......wrighty doesnt get it, as with many "pundits" & fen way clned fan nies that LFC are billionaire backed, but only will spend big on ASSET increase, chose Juergen because he accepted & accept to toe the line and work within their "budget" which is a low net sepend relative to the other billionaire backed manU, manciteh fraud klub, psg, royal madrid , chelsea & NUFC etc < >
MyPOD-Net (mc5)
ReplyDelete< Pfizer Exec Makes Bombshell Admission About Covid Vaccine >
YET still the Utubers post the "vaccine info" with this video, there is no SHOCK to any intelligent person who knows that pharma, govt w.h.o. & the (anti)social media dictators CONNED the sheeple , its a a shock that it took this long for so many to start to realise it after 4 decades of fascho-capitalist lies & cheating?
...nov 8
...........overthrow your corrupt govt/corprate masters???
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
.......wrighty doesnt get it, as with many "pundits" & fen way clned fan nies that LFC are billionaire backed, but only will spend big on ASSET increase, chose Juergen because he accepted & accept to toe the line and work within their "budget" which is a low net sepend relative to the other billionaire backed manU, manciteh fraud klub, psg, royal madrid , chelsea & NUFC etc < >
even before 2007 moores sell out, with REd(GEM)net have campaigned for a supporters shareholding LIVERPOOL football &community CLUB with at least 50% owned by true REdS worldwide (there are more than 30 million online) ^ the fen way directors could get 5 bn but I believe they will be forced to below 900 million which is several times their actual investment , which has based on a fraudulent acquisition ;
ReplyDeletewe are in negotiation with "ABB" as backers to enable an interim offer; and the LBirRDcoin will be supporters empowerment method worldwide (see video at and example of our campaign promotions (2013)
...nov 9
ReplyDeletesince even before 2007 moores sell out, with REd(GEM)net have campaigned for a supporters shareholding LIVERPOOL football &community CLUB with at least 50% owned by true REdS worldwide (there are more than 30 million online) ^ the fen way directors could get 5 bn but I believe they will be forced to below 900 million which is several times their actual investment , which has based on a fraudulent acquisition ;
we are in negotiation with "ABB" as backers to enable an interim offer; and the LBirRDcoin will be supporters empowerment method worldwide (see video at and example of our campaign promotions (2013)
Truth Razor
liked 2 of your Tweets
! cut the chat, dont give midget politicians yr time! .
insurgency inevitable V corrupt govt/corpirates;
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEings!
Show all
Paul Volpe 🏴🇿🇦🇺🇸🏴🏳️
liked your reply
good luck geordies, ownership aside <we have USAcorp sharks in our boardroom) rather see u & arse nal having a go than manciteh fraud klub buying it!
Nov 7
Replying to
and 3 others
Get some sleep lad 👍
Nov 7
Replying to
and 3 others
They'd be proud of you 🙄
Nov 7
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and 3 others
Some life you've got...enjoy👍
Nov 7
Replying to
and 3 others
Have you ever been? Wonderful city, one of the good ones still around
Nov 7
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and 3 others
We haha...weird little lonely man aren't you...hope life gets better for you🙏
Nov 7
Replying to
and 3 others
As I said...point proven👍
Nov 7
Replying to
and 3 others
Lad you're just a coward let's face it...just a failure looking for attention am I wrong?
Justice For Sara
Nov 7
Replying to
Which government have you overthrown? What have you actually done?….
Tenement Rebel Bitch 🏴🍒
Retweeted your reply
cut the chat, dont give midget politicians yr time! .
insurgency inevitable V corrupt govt/corpirates;
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEings!
...........overthrow your corrupt govt/corprate masters???
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
1team ChRi5
ReplyDelete* extreme luck forcast from Nov12
why havent you overthrown your corrupt / inept govt/corprate masters???
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
nov 13.....
WAKE UP REdS! havent u learnt lesson?
a) yearn for another "sugar daddY-shark" promising transfer billions OR b) OUR REdDEMnet initiative which gives supporters at least a 50% share & voice & reasonable plan for all true REdS future?
REdGEMnet; ChRiSlive
any intelligent fan knows HOW pathetic most of ESPN's overpaid, over played "pundits" no fan of Don, but its a valid point we made a month ago, that the hangover from the QUAD attamept, the lack of a pre season break and enough key playes being rested ; Jota, Luis D, Hend (Naby>) Matip all likely to be ready after xmas plus the staff having time to re group & prepare the squad, dont bet against the REdS goig unbeaton & winning 7th InIstabul too in new year!
...................................nov 12
pre LIVERPOOL v soton
JK :
insane money spinning world cup interuption to my football life ; U allow money (which is anyway fake) buys the soul of life in or out of football! SUPPORT REdS LbiRD take back of our club ;
:) could do, BUT *they mobbed & priced out core supporters *rip off fans with replicas each summer! *superleague * "brand LIVERPOOL/Lbird" threatened supporters, *buddies are WARbiz backers; *dint get rich by fair means, * use youth like cattle market and..really BAD guys! ChRiS
WHY dont YOU back shareholding supporters "take back the club" initiative (currently blocked by MSM) ?
Deletebetween august & with SUPPORTING share initiative @ (see LbiRDcoin video)
@Steve Lewis hello Steve, well I could overload you with our campaign which started pre G & H 2007! when the SoS/saveLfc initiatives were blocked also by local politicians & corporate interest who bombed supporter websites calling for a global supporters takeover (our claim was for at least 50% , much is known, superleague, furlows , ticket prices , branding LIVERPOOL etc etc, much is less known of threats agsinst our intiative and blackballing members from official Lfc supporters club (which continues) how the backers of fen way became rich, the connection with GW bush , War biz , hedge fund frauds & dumping worthless bonds on their investors, ... most modern fans focus on the "moderate: transfer aspect, thats not my concern, I truly believe in a balanced youth/academy scheme, but henry & co see it as a cattle market to rear young players & sell them off.. their obvious aim was to build "brand" with tv, sponors & online sales...& property value of anfield to sell on,,, now is prime time, I started to fight before they began pricing out the core supporter (working class) of my generation, the acquisition was via a fraudulent sale between moores/G&H..same broker involved..lots of dark stuff to investigate, but no one wants to do that! go to & back to 2013 ; IF ,, BIG IF YOU have what Shanks called "natural enthusiasm" & HONESTY because I posted a 1000 or more logs during the last decade , mostly blocked by USAcorp & co...WARNING! u can also email me in confidence via best wishes, ChRiS
uninformed & kids who h on this video too , who never challenged fen way during a decade of asset empire building ... stole it from the G & H frauds , who acquired the Lfc biz illegally , ... didnt even spend the advertised 300mil, have a "market sale of maybe 5bn" ...we intend to force it to be handed over to global supporters (backed by ABB) because WE made Lfc a global entity!
if they try to sell to another band of sharks ; we will boycott ALL profit centres & cause an injunction against henry & co..
Delete11 of 11 armistice day; yet USA colonies/UK fund warbiz whilst sheeple freeze & go homeless! ...govt has failed, thats definition of insanity to give your power to politicians! or anyone! overthrow your corrupt /inept govt/corprate masters??? "dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings! ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
will uwill u join OUR supporter shares initiative, lads? backed by "ABB" 50% fan share; achieve acquisition -900mil, ( OR via an injunction & boycott to obstruct sell out copy of fake sale between 2007/2010) REdGEMnetviaCHRISlive221110 (see video @ WEareCLUB!
........, transaction will happen during world cup pause ; most probably...
OUR co-operative initiative will be backed by "ABB" to provide local & global supporters & fans with minimum 50% shareholding support! "market price maybe 5BN" but will achieve acquisition before 900mil, otherwise an injunction & boycott will obstruct the fen way sell out (fraudulent/fake sale between 2007/2010) REdGEMnetviaCHRISlive221110 .............nov 9 since even before 2007 moores sell out, with REd(GEM)net have campaigned for a supporters shareholding LIVERPOOL football &community CLUB with at least 50% owned by true REdS worldwide (there are more than 30 million online) ^ the fen way directors could get 5 bn but I believe they will be forced to below 900 million which is several times their actual investment , which has based on a fraudulent acquisition ; we are in negotiation with "ABB" as backers to enable an interim offer; and the LBirRDcoin will be supporters empowerment method worldwide (see video at and example of our campaign promotions (2013)
Deletekenny fortt
Nov 11
Replying to
Justice For Sara
Retweeted your reply
email me via ngo @ mypod-net .org & I will send u a "c.v" or maybe target the enemy instead? ;)
Justice For Sara
liked a reply to your Tweet
Sorry had to. Nick this. X
Justice For Sara
Nov 9
Replying to
Sorry had to. Nick this. X
Justice For Sara
liked your reply
email me via ngo @ mypod-net .org & I will send u a "c.v" or maybe target the enemy instead? ;)
Leslie Blair
followed you
Truth Razor
liked 2 of your Tweets
! cut the chat, dont give midget politicians yr time! .
insurgency inevitable V corrupt govt/corpirates;
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEings!
Delete------12 nov
Delete...........overthrow your corrupt govt/corprate masters???
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
remove along with USAcorp sharks in Lfc boardroom! (see Supporters LbiRD video )
Supporting local & global co-op shareholders & all REbEL Strikers v fascho-capitalism
REdGEMnet via CHRiSlive
?talking to suits & brick wall of NAIVE & gullible sheeple on biased MSM! dont talk, DO!
overthrow your corrupt govt/corprate masters???
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
25 references • Member since 2022
Nov 2022
If u pop up u must pop in
U laugh without moving your chin
Nature boy wasn't a thing
U think you're the ironic king?
but sorry not sorry im gonna win
Ain't tryna be mean
FYI my fav bottle is gin
when i leave the house i was like por finnnnn
#8rhymestrikes don't cry:)
Read less
Red Livebird's Photo
Red 's response
ha ha ha : well done , cockney queen hollywood. ... i made a toxic version,but i dont pick on fee male girlies ; too busy with challenging USAcorp & "monty" govts etc, fun, it was different, dont forget to email (& chinese saying) take care xyz
11 of 11
DeleteI DO RECOMMEND the experience of hosting...
Hello Anita
(main poem on your persona; refs)
I write this MOURNING of armistaice day
and in a funny way
you seemed to be in a battle with me
or yourself, with he or she>??
You left before we could get drunk together
i proposed at KINo
vino & Rakija
can also true pesonality uncover
your "hollywood image" and your online addiction
provokes my anger & humour
organise your time better
& listen FULLY to others diction?
you are SOLO but not "so low"
but need lessons in humility
CSing is not for this elite mentality
no one fully knows anyone,
it seem so to me
u only got little PIECES of my jigsaw puzzle, you see?
my opinion , though I will never MUZZLE
go "econonomy" & give time to people
150 more cuntries ?
better prioritize new human BEINGS?
and take care of the trees! ;)
(that man who walked behind:
came to greet her
at the :old house:
seemed to be "young hollywood" to this 10,000 year old euro-scouse
sure I could host her again,
just not sure where or when..
arrived in the day not in the night
looked through the menu & had a bite
local meat then later
had mussels & vino , not alligator
Anita planned next to "nature boy"
seemed unsure & a bit coy
that got cancelled whilst we had a cup (of coffee)
there wont be anything "popping up" (U see)
went to Savina prev home we popped in
& taxi to football match * popped OUT
the other team scored the goals
came back to HN old town & had salmon not swordfish nor sole !
then just a quiet time, watching "clouseau"
she has the same MAC , dont you know? (with silly french accent)
very trendy girl, old black hanging out clothers were a "no no" (doesn't live in a tent)
& didn t like my vino ;)
last day she decided to leave
i decide i would not grieve
went walking too far , for testing "some asian" plate
but wasn't authentic , & my knee wasn't great
Anita is a character, and much may be said
we knew some moments, i know the back of her head
from walking behind her, like a slave
she is a "foodie" another dish she will crave
so all in all we had a special time
and even argued a bit, before I decide this rhyme
stuffed peppers the waiter did remember
i was sunny days with ANITA in November!
p,s, dont forget the email & the chinese phrase you told me some thing?
"Hey La, lets have some SCRAN & a few BEVVIES. the BIZZIES are coming!"
remove along with USAcorp sharks in Lfc boardroom!
Supporting local & global co-op shareholders & all REbEL Strikers v fascho-capitalism
REdGEMnet via CHRiSlive
midget politicians getting more than 15 minutes of fame via twa tters
Supporting local & global co-op shareholders & all REbEL Strikers v fascho-capitalism
REdGEMnet via CHRiSlive
...nov 9
since even before 2007 moores sell out, with REd(GEM)net have campaigned for a supporters shareholding LIVERPOOL football &community CLUB with at least 50% owned by true REdS worldwide (there are more than 30 million online) ^ the fen way directors could get 5 bn but I believe they will be forced to below 900 million which is several times their actual investment , which has based on a fraudulent acquisition ;
we are in negotiation with "ABB" as backers to enable an interim offer; and the LBirRDcoin will be supporters empowerment method worldwide (see video at and example of our campaign promotions (2013)
ReplyDelete(Coady respeonse to blues decline)
NO, is a TRUE scouse fighter that Lfc should have signed BEFORE VVD, excellent organiser & has mentality juergen talks about! ask wolves HONEST supporters! they want him back! he is on loan!
BEST wishes Conor! YNWA
support REdGEMnet; (see video) ChRiSlive
SUPPORT REdS LbiRD take back of our club ; minimum 50% supporter-shareholders
REdGEMnet ; ChRiSlive
Ann Johns, Grumpy Geordie Gran #PAL #Save our NHS
liked 2 of your Tweets
& all govts fail, definition of insanity ; sheeple voting for politicians every generation expecting selfish creed to solve problems! overthrow your corrupt govt/corprate masters???
RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
..............alternative media to Kherson ..(westbacmkcity)
better sacrifice yourself for cause; protest against WARbiz, pollution policies, V oil lobby, V police brutes,
v racism v fascism! excellent chance aholes will shoot u in head sooner or later, dont lay your burden on another?
///////////...u are really more rons on here, Joe was exceptional MotM v soton, not one even minor error, iYOU are PREJUDICED fan nies ... he gaets blamed when VVD fouls up the CB defence, Virgil should dominate , 6 yard boz, should be NO goals conceded like that one when VVD is big enough to muscle out anyone! pathetic show again! idiots & experts pick on Trent & Joe as scapegoats and are simply unfar & need educating...
ChriS Dix
0 seconds ago
Thiago isnt half the TEAM player of GINI, (under-valued by fen way) Thiago poses, and Bobby makes better insisive passes! watch Thiago most of the passing is to retain possesdon, but rarrely assists a goal..
WAKE UP REdS! havent u learnt lesson?
a) yearn for another "sugar daddY-shark" promising transfer billions OR b) OUR REdDEMnet initiative which gives supporters at least a 50% share & voice & reasonable plan for all true REdS future?
REdGEMnet; ChRiSlive
any intelligent fan knows HOW pathetic most of ESPN's overpaid, over played "pundits" no fan of Don, but its a valid point we made a month ago, that the hangover from the QUAD attamept, the lack of a pre season break and enough key playes being rested ; Jota, Luis D, Hend (Naby>) Matip all likely to be ready after xmas plus the staff having time to re group & prepare the squad, dont bet against the REdS goig unbeaton & winning 7th InIstabul too in new year!
Deleteoverthrow your corrupt govt/corprate masters???
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
chance for SQUAD & MANAGEMENT "reset" should be better after xmas, & there in meantime why dont u "socialists" join our initiative to enable 30 million fans to remove fraudulent fen way sharks & be supporting shareholdings at only 30 quid each? minimmu 50% shares in NEW LIVERPOOL!
------------12 nov
...........overthrow your corrupt govt/corprate masters???
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
remove along with USAcorp sharks in Lfc boardroom! (see Supporters LbiRD video )
Supporting local & global co-op shareholders & all REbEL Strikers v fascho-capitalism
REdGEMnet via CHRiSlive
?talking to suits & brick wall of NAIVE & gullible sheeple on biased MSM! dont talk, DO!
overthrow your corrupt govt/corprate masters???
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
++++++++221114 PLus
ReplyDelete“Never believe anything GOVT SAID until it has been officially denied.” Murdoch’s New York Post offered two crime victims cover stories if they would say they were Democrats now voting from Republican Lee Zeldin....New York cops pepper-sprayed a 9-year-old girl in eyes because she wouldn’t get into a squad car. girl cried, “Please don’t do this to me,” police snapped: “You did it to yourself, ..."Speaker-of-the-House-in-Waiting Kevin McCarthy wants to take the drug war nuclear with a “frontal attack on China”….. MSNBC “stands for Missing a Significant Number of Black Correspondents…they got rid of so many black people, I thought Boko Haram was running that network.”...
+ Patrick Thewell, after being arresting for throwing eggs at CharlIE Windsor and Camilla AT York: “I’m with all victims of slavery, colonialism, and imperialism… Those eggs are the only justice those people will see… Ror all the people who died so that man could wear a crown.” ... he official mobile app for COP27... access to a range of personal information, also appears to contain spyware that security experts say poses a “credible” threat to protesters... Pentagon is the single largest emitter of carbon dioxide on the planet. Globally, militaries account 5.5% of total carbon emissions without counting the direct emissions from wartime.
+ Words missing from Sunak’s COP o 27 speech (Sponsored by Coca-Cola)…
Fossil Fuels
+ In Africa, amount of land subjected to oil and gas development is expected to quadruple in the next few years,.. Apple’s profits in China have doubled in the last two years, hitting $31.2 billion...United Nations report says carbon dioxide emissions from buildings and construction have reached an all-time high.. “What do you call nine unelected officials deciding whether Native nations have the right to be families and protect their children?” in a challenge to the Indian Child Welfare Act,"
uk GOVT LAW & ORDER 33 years after HILLGNOTOUGH & still no one punished fro 97 murders!
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November 14, 2022, 11:08 AM
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November 15, 2022, 10:30 AM
FUngo Today at 09:30
IF this is supposed to be an ALTERNATIVE to the main stream social media ; I oppose any form of media. "law & order" that is judge jury & eecutioner without impartial process; you have NOT explained why, but simply act like yet another net dictator, (without even owning iup to it with a name)
if this is your mentality, keep it
ReplyDeletewill YOU JOIN true REdS TAKe-OUT fen way? :
co-operative, community & FOOTBALL club ; local/global
even pre 2007; & in 2013 ;
G20/cop OUT 27th talking shop, sheepe watch as spectators being boiled alive by those they voted into power, should I care they feed the monster & its suited lackies that kill them? destroying humanity & nature, even your GOD wont help those who dont help themslelves
ReplyDeletePLEASE stop internet "stalking" ! & threats of your UKRAINIAN mafias buddies!
COMPLAINT v (Afrin, D & 2 others)
Mr. Afrin
it seems you PREFER to pose QUESTIONS instead of ANSWERING them, but suggest that IF you answer the following questions, you may find answers to you OWN?
AS you seem to be in conflict with OUR "volunteer manager" ( C. R. S )
we have the following QUESTIONS for you;
1. were you hosted by CRS at Pg & Miriste>?
2. is hosting free via CSing & continued informally without payment
3. did you receive cash from CRS?
4. did you receive items of clothing from CRS? (free)
5. did CRS take care of you when sick?
6. How many times did CRS pay for your meals/drinks at caffes/pub/restoran?
7. How many times did CRS cook for you>
8. How many times did CRS bring breakfast or snacks to you, in bed?
9. How many times did CRS clean up your mess, take out YOUR rubbish
10. Where did you suggest to store his possesssions after his illegal exile from Miriste & police HR violation & state brutality?
11. Did CRS ever ask you to help him with his difficulties?
12. Did you respect CRS sleeping pattern?
13 How many times did you cook, clean up after INVITE or assist CRS?
14 DID CRS spend considerable time, at your request, considering your "3di alam" project? did you thank him for that?
15. did you offer CRS a bike you received free or mention payment for that or a laptop that has no cable? with out mentioning a cost?
we shall have other question for you after you answer above
for F * U ngo E.T/V.
16, did you tell CRS or "Elaine T" last summer that you were moving by end august to portugal or spain?
17. did you host others ,russian buddies, Csers, sing or even 3 on the couch that you promised to CRS
18, did you keep that couch clean, wash the covers between you longing on it or visitors sleeping there?
19, did you realise that you kept CRSawake with your "night shift" & LOUD visits to bathroom, whilst making a fuss when he was loaud one sat night?
20 did you know that CRS had to move & transport to alternative accomodation at high cost, whilst paying you to share accomodation you made immpossible for him to stay in?
20 did you, whilst leaving offer another man from St Peters. the apartment to use?
21 *who else did you offer Sabvina apartment .keys to, without respect to CRS?
22 did C.R.S explain experieces from 1986 to 1995 (& Ic Kiev) & what "classified" means?
23 ; so where are you REALLY, now? in HN, Budva? Podgorica or somn other fantasy destination?
BORIS ILIJANIĆ , his Branka Copica & DA are not allowed to communicate via PERSONAl/confidential NOR classified email link
Sent with Proton Mail secure email.
------- Original Message -------
On Tuesday, November 15th, 2022 at 15:13, dobar_dan_hn wrote:
On Tue, 15 Nov 2022 14:13:15 +0000, dobar_dan_hn wrote:
Hey Chris, I'm writing from this email to make sure the letter reaches you,
So, you really have less than 24 hours to move your stuff, because, as Boris wrote to me, it's going out. This is the quote from his letter "As our lawer said that is just between Branka and you...not recognise any another person, so by contract we only can understand that all things in apartment is yours (Danilo's), and by contract you need to leave apartment".
To repeat it again,
1. No one is going to deliver to you anything. It's your responsibility to remove your stuff from the house. If you don't remove the stuff, it goes out anyway.
2. But as an alternative, I have a really good idea of what you can do. You can meet my friends, pass them my laptop and bike, and they would help you to move the boxes in a car. I think it's a win-win and reasonable. What do you think?
Whatever you chose, MARK THE TIME you're going to come or a PLACE and TIME you can meet with my friend with a car.
-------- Original Message --------
ReplyDeleteSubject: FIFA wants you to ignore this
Date: 2022-11-16 16:26
From: "Bieta Andemariam - Avaaz"
To: ""
The families of workers who died in Qatar need our help
More than 6,500 modern day slaves are reported to have died since Qatar
was awarded the 2022 World Cup. Hundreds of thousands more still toil
for as little as a dollar an hour. FIFA stands to make billions of
dollars, but refuses to compensate workers or their families fairly.
Advocates and athletes around the world are already pressuring FIFA and
our voice could make a difference. So sign now to demand that FIFA pay
these workers and their families what they are owed!
Dear friends,
Imagine being so desperate for work that you left your family behind to
live in a squalid camp, toiling in the desert heat for as little as $1
an hour. Then you died, alone, and your family got nothing.
Imagine that those who treated you like a slave would rake in billions
while the family you left behind spiraled down deeper into poverty.
FIFA decided to let Qatar’s despotic regime host the World Cup, and
since then thousands of desperate and vulnerable migrant workers have
reportedly died.
That’s 39 modern-day slaves who died for every goal expected to be
FIFA is under pressure to set aside $440 million for these workers - the
same amount that will be awarded to the competing teams. Rights groups,
footballers, and even some of the World Cup’s top corporate sponsors
are part of the push. But with less than one week until kickoff, we need
to make this call massive to get FIFA to do the right thing. So sign now
and we’ll deliver your voices straight to FIFA.
Don’t let FIFA profit off abuse! [1]
Despite warnings, FIFA chose a host country well known for using forced
labor and for abusing poor and desperate migrant workers. FIFA helped
create this problem, and now it has to help solve it.
Getting a huge organization like FIFA to do the right thing can feel
like an uphill battle. But public pressure works, especially when it
starts to hurt profits. Even four of the World Cup’s top corporate
sponsors – Budweiser, McDonalds, Coca Cola, and Adidas – support
compensating workers. And so do 84% of football fans who are likely to
tune into the matches, according to a recent poll.
We only have days before the lights go up on the first game, shifting
global attention to the matches, and not the people who worked - and
died - in the sweltering heat and inhumane conditions to make the Qatar
World Cup a reality. Don’t let FIFA profit off abuse. Sign now to
demand that they set aside $440 million to compensate migrant workers.
Don’t let FIFA profit off abuse! [1]
Avaaz stands up for human rights and workers’ rights around the
world. Already in 2015 Avaaz urged Qatar to end its modern slavery ahead
of the World Cup, receiving almost a million signatures. In the years
since, the Qatar government has taken steps to address these issues, but
more can be done!
With hope and determination,
Bieta, Nate, Christine, Miguel, Ahmed, Luis, Marta and the rest of the
Avaaz team
More information:
* Revealed: 6,500 migrant workers have died in Qatar since World Cup
awarded (The Guardian) [2]
* England's FA calls for Qatar's migrant workers to be compensated
(Reuters) [3]
* World Cup Abuses Harm Children, Families of Migrant Workers (Human
Rights Watch) [4]
* Qatar: Global survey shows overwhelming demand for FIFA to compensate
World Cup migrant workers (Amnesty International) [5]
Avaaz is a 70-million-person global campaign network that works to
ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global
decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.)
Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread
across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages
ReplyDeleteOUR "definition of INSANITY" is global sheeple who have been enslaved by lies, cheating, WARbiz, pollution & broken promises destroying nature & humanity, gernation after generation, EMPOWER yet another "politician" govt fails! (see comments)
sheeple never learn!! the MSM PR_opaganda "art" ; 1939?
hitler used a bogus attack inside the polish frontier to justify launching ww2 , have the c1A gUestapo trained the fascist ukrainian regime (& their nazty clones) to copy this & "invite: NAzTO direct inbto WW3?
WE , with Shanks MADE LIVERPOOL before most of u were born, we with banners, scarves, travel & songs distributed worldwide! ... ITS OURS ! you really dont know busines or how shareholding suceeds via co-op! clueless!
REdGEMnet YOU ignore cmments that u do not like!!!!
will YOU JOIN true REdS TAKing-OUT fen way sharks? :
co-operative, community & FOOTBALL club ; local/global
even pre 2007; & in 2013 ;
.........G20/cop OUT 27th talking shop, sheepe watch as spectators being boiled alive by those they voted into power, should I care they feed the monster & its suited lackies that kill them? destroying humanity & nature, even your GOD wont help those who dont help themslelves
...221118 ,,
ReplyDelete"the whitre man destroys LIFE... ( Little Big Man (1970) - Do you hate the White man n > WARbiz funding thugs & racist dictators.pollution poliicies,
FAKE inflation, poverty & homeless; all govt fails! join co-ops
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of global human BEings!
Can a human rights campaign during COP27 free activist Alaa Abd el-Fattah from prison?
will U JOIN true REdS TAKing-OUT fen way sharks? :
co-op, community & FOOTBALL club; local/global
even pre 2007; & in 2013 ;
ANFIELD ROAD UPDATE | Full size, corners - but roof removal delayed? < >
ear Chris
ReplyDeleteSadly, this winter is threatening to be one of the most difficult for
many years for people who are homeless in our city. The cost of living
crisis is affecting people across the region and we are seeing an
increasing number turning to us for advice and support. It is also
impacting on the charity itself, as well as increased demand on our
services we have seen our running costs increase at the same time as
donations have reduced.
Over the last year we have increased our street outreach teams across
the Liverpool City Region; now our Liverpool team is out across the city
streets 24 hours every day responding to calls to the Always Help
Available phone line, encouraging people to come indoors and the centre
provides showers, clean clothing, food and support for anyone sleeping
rough. Our Pathways team support the clients with the highest level of
support needs to help begin to address their needs including access
addiction services. We have introduced a Hospital In-Reach team to
ensure people are not homeless when they are discharged from hospital
and we have increased our team on the Wirral to be able to reach more
people in need of housing advice.
Our support for families who are homeless continues, with two family
accommodation services and ongoing support for the children and young
people in our care. Our therapeutic harm reduction accommodation has
cared for a number of residents through their end of life as well as
supporting several to become abstinent. Our meaningful engagement team
delivers a range of activities and training sessions to build confidence
and self-esteem. We continue to provide housing advice, online, over the
phone and in person at various venues around the city, connecting people
with both temporary and permanent accommodation. Our donations
volunteers sort and deliver over 100 food parcels every week for those
in most desperate need.
We are unsure exactly what this winter will bring for the charity and
the people we help, but we will be available for anyone who is rough
sleeping, providing a warm safe space, a gift and a cooked Christmas
Dinner. We'll also be distributing gifts and Christmas treats to over
700 clients around the city. For many, this will be their first
Christmas without their own home.
ReplyDelete15/11 go FU yourself, oh, u already did! dont ever threaten ME !
ChRiS> Campaign ;
mow inclides 1500 e and socuemnts, cable, headphones etc of F & U ngo (some clothes etc of CRS)
& REd X bag; v |Boris & Branka ___________) + police chief & mayor of HN?
global :
ChRiS> the irony almost exceeds the hypocrisy of your planets hierachy & obedient sheeple worldwide;
* DO NOT CARE about people killed if they are not "from yr cuntry" dont object to animalbirdbee extinction as long as "yr pet" isnt harmed! destroying nature & humanity accepted as long as U have mobile, TV, net, car & (fake) money! via ChRiSlive
plus +221115/16/-17-18
..the new TAW tter owner"musky" is a "bilionaire:, but, do u know what that means? ; he has 1000,000,000 x ZERO! because all currency is worthless, but the banks, brokers, cuntries & INFESTORS wont educate your children to know this even if you aretoo acred to admit it.. this happened aftr WW2, and went minus in the 80s when brokers started to sell hot air, brand names & juknk as "market value" adios! ,,, bfore u go, watch "margin call" or of even "wag the dog" fiction that doesnt even come close to showing they are just tips of a dark iceberg YOU ShIT on that melted at least 40 years ago when "fascho-capitalism "won their world" ESCAPE if u dare?
“Never believe anything GOVT SAID until it has been officially denied.”
THE END of OPPOSITION , the end of OUTrage ? the beginning ofthe end of humaity ///... as the demoIDIOcrocy & plastic cross over into centre.right policies supporting WARbiz jobs that enable polytion policies & contruction of new ibnstead of renovation...the former "left flagship < > supports the amiCANT PR_opaganda like draitser < > pro-fascist ujkrain on utube &...amriCANT introspective, with token "foreign" articles from their LOCAL writers! ...
Finesse Moreno-Rivera worked with federal and state institutions such as the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and F.B.I>
< /2022/11/17/bidens-marijuana-pardons-really-arent-that-impressive > gives biden, another midget poitician, more than his "15 mins of fame"
...whilst their DEAN BAKER wastes your time with a long article; dumping on crrypto bus ignoring the OBVIOUS, that USD isnt worth paper written on, ( 2022/11/17/crypto-meltdown-is-a-great-time-to-eliminate-waste-in-bloated-financial-sector ) AND 2022/11/17/this-is-where-bankrupt-ftxs-money-went ) does anyone properly read these articles (about 40 a week?)
...including this, which prfers to aim at chinese russian co-op instead of exposing the failure of USAcorp & the west to feed the poor, or stop killing its sheeple by the thusdabds daily due to selfish & pollutive policies! ( 2022/11/17/chinese-geopolitical-inroads-into-central-asia-are-coming-at-russias-expense ) & even though " Lula’s government recognized Palestine as an independent state within the 1967 borders. " ( 2022/11/15/for-lulas-victory-to-matter-a-proposal-for-a-unified-palestinian-foreign-policy ) we will have to see if the new brazilian govt is truly left of centre or just paying lip service to USAcorp world dictatorshiop & NAzTO?
Delete" the squashing of one of the key elements of the resistance against US imperialism in the world. " is buried within this article..( 2022/11/03/revolutionary-struggle-in-iran-conspiracies-enemies-and-friends/ ) is thes uprising a cover for more USAcorp/c1A INFESTATION of yet another potential USAcorp colony? “Dirty money: Meet the US agent driving the CIA-led riots in Iran.” shd this be challenged by C-P editors> ?...( further muddied by 2022/11/09/how-the-islamic-revolution-gave-rise-to-a-massive-womens-movement-in-iran ) worries that many women things hilary thatcher & "gloria" to be supportive ! at least Eves opening line " he disastrous NATO-Russia war in Ukraine has taught us is that an attempt to decrease the climate catastrophe by kicking the oil, gas and coal habit " shows promise! ( /2022/11/04/climate-activism-on-the-brink-of-nuclear-war ) " a grim, desolate future awaits. " (she wanrs as the global sheeple think Cop-OUT number 27 will stop the ROT!...
a reminder of the stupidity with < /2022/10/18/our-human-irony-fire-people-on-a-fire-planet > a glimpse ..
& Eve against does some arer good work with highlightingjust HOW sivk USAcorp is with < 2022/11/11/working-and-striking-on-the-railroad/ > whilst < Gabriel Kuhn ; 2022/11/15/sports-activism-the-next-episode > knows ad much about St Pauli or KOPITE socialists , or true REd anti-fa tournise & initiatives as the average german tourists knows of the balkan culture! and this surekly simply reminds us what every sane person must know, there is no JUSTICE, only SHAM "law & order" as all police & their masters ARE CLEARLY CORRUPTED < >
pre the money spinning CORRUOPT FIFA's world cup farce (interupting a season for the first time in hostory, outside of natures weather & the PLANdemic... IF you want to see how their gameofTHORNS has also infested Irish sports media , "cath up" with :
* < > chasing CORRUPT UEFA's sanction of Croke Park bid to host Euro 2028
* .... arsenal's nostalgia
* ..the last weekend’s action of the english plastic money league ; < >
* kissing the ar&e of uSAcorp sharks (a.k.a. fen way < > " presentation that Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are conducting on its behalf will look far more attractive than it would have done when J W**ker Henry a& co STOLE OUR club in the corrupt high court SHAM 12 years ago. " ( was also Project Big Picture, the attempt to furlough around 200 non-playing staff at the start of the pandemic, which was abandoned amid fierce criticism 48 hours later, the ticket price hike that prompted a mass walkout by fans in 2016, and was also quickly abandoned, and failed attempts to trademark the word “Liverpool”. ) in response to OUR initiative being banned at :
& ;
In Somalia, 7 million people are in danger of starving -- and HALF of all children are severely malnourished. Hospitals are becoming overwhelmed and parents are being forced to make impossible decisions about who to feed.
ReplyDeleteThe country is being devastated by the worst drought in 40 years. Without rain, nothing grows anymore -- and aid isn't arriving fast enough.
Somali doctors and aid workers are racing the clock -- but another starving child is admitted to hospital every single minute. Resources are running out, and doctors are terrified.
The last famine here killed 250,000 people. We cannot let it happen again.
Iranian courts sentenced five people to death over
ReplyDeletethe mass protests that have swept the country. This follows a brutal
crackdown that has left hundreds dead, including children, and many more
facing torture, and unfair trials. We can’t stay silent in a moment
like this! Add your voice calling on key world governments to help stop
the killings -- and we will take our message directly into the UN
meeting happening today in Geneva! Dear friends, It’s shocking --
Iranian courts sentenced five people to death over the mass protests
that have swept through the country.Many more people are in immediate
danger. Journalists, human rights defenders, university students, moms,
and schoolchildren have been murdered -- and many of those arrested face
torture, enforced disappearance, and unfair trials.The regime is not
backing down, and is now even resorting to public executions to crush
the revolution. We must stand with the people in Iran!Thousands of
Iranians continue to protest, and we can help them keep the world’s
attention on their struggle for freedom and justice.
ReplyDeletewalking along the shore, felt like spring rather than autumn/winter day, 60f?..nursing an injured knee, (Zelenika)
the unfasionable area of the coast there were lots of free benches for me to rest & enjoy the sun & the view, but of course
as I near the tourist area, no place to rest, only caffes & restaurant which means you have to pay to sit, AND THIS THE WORLD YOU ALLOW, EVERYTHING POSSIBLE MUST BE EXPLOITED FOR PROFIT!
...........again writers fill your day with confusion there NEVER was a major state providing true socialism or communism, most sheeple havent a clue, in LIVERPOOL and my neighbourhood we had it by choice without needing politicians or govt
< 2022/11/20/china-talks-marxism-but-still-walks-capitalism > most on (anti) social media have only lived with fascho-capitalist MSM 24/7!....
....whilst ( /2022/11/22/moving-beyond-single-issue-politics ) just reminds me that the potential young rebels have no strategy and the older just write about rebellion or publish books instead!
i always said, there are 2 wprlds, onne is full of bad ideas , well organised, then the "alternative" (C-P etc) has some good ideas, but clueless at organsing , so IMO better for all opposition to be experts at seperate "guerilla insurgency"
*a.k.a viet KONGING""
and they write & they write...abiout AFRICA " by 2030, around 574 million people, estimated at 7 percent of the world’s total population, will continue to live in extreme poverty, relying on about two dollars a day. ( 2022/11/21/liberating-africa-from-poverty-requires-changing-power-relations-with-the-west/ ) " IMO they havent even scratched thre surface as I PREDICT only 1 in 1000 worldwide have a "WORTHY LIFESTYLE" post 2030!!!
...Mahamadou Issoufou. “It’s shocking for Africans to see the billions that have rained down on Ukraine while attention has been diverted from the situation in the Sahel (region),” supposedly ‘poor’ Continent is plotting an escape from the grip of western domination"" .. WHEN WHITES SUFFER, BLACK LIVES DO not MATTER TO USAcorp&co ( * 2022/11/21/the-waters-are-running-red-in-africas-great-lakes-region ) .. & REALLY dont need well-intentioned Bobby to remind us the 27th SHAM of "COP" is just another COP-OUT!!! ( NOVEMBER 22, 2022 Stop COP BY ROBERT HUNZIKER)
Delete* as its currently headlined by biased MSM : footy via FIFAarce; (qatar 2022); there are few herpes NOW;
" 1967: Muhammad Ali refuses the draft I ain’t got nothing against no Viet Cong," Ali said famously, when asked why he was refusing to go fight in a war half a world away. " < > & " 1968: Black Power at the Olympics ; Probably the most iconic protest in sporting history "
......articles by "experts" that are NOT; < > ; Keane says, but "arry Kane bottles it ..whilst Iran Team & germans show their disdain, : < > but when has FIFArce located this event in a non violating cuntry/dictatorship ????? Messi's lads lose < > to the next cuntry to BUY FIFAarce? as the brokers of USAcorp manU & fen way/Lfc want to cash in on what WE built ...< > we will oppose ; & fight theeir boardroom sharks ALL the way ; @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo
we are SUPPORTING NEW LIVERPOOL co-operative, community & FOOTBALL ; local/global
GET a SUPPORTING-SHARE whilst removing USAcorp sharks from OUR LIFE ;
they only sing one SON ( ) a personal insight; BUTthis should NEVER be required : " a lawyer who told them to tear up all their Ghana documents, and say they came from Liberia, which was then at war, so that they could apply for political asylum. " < > a worthy tale of Williams for Ghana! ; and " truly tireless in reminding you what a shower they are " attempte to capture the FIFAarce on MSM! < >
token resistance by the plastic labour sheeple:
& german TEam also show disdain, whilst "arry" bottles it! sheeple DONT CARE about people killed if not "from my cuntry" nor govt WAR biz! destroying nature & humanity, as U have mobile, TV, net, car & (fake) money! hypocrisy, consequences! via ChRiSlive
whilst LFCTV; "Alisson Becker describes it as "a kid's dream come true," as he and six other Reds begin their FIFA World Cup campaigns in Qatar..."
ReplyDeleteChriS Dix
Retweeted your Tweet
insurgency not only inevitable, its VITAL for LIFE!
(apologies to Al Pachino!)
co-operative, community & FOOTBALL; local/global
GET a SUPPORTING-SHARE whilst removing USAcorp sharks from OUR LIFE!
Boycott the WC of homophobia 22
Nov 20
Replying to
Jesus, what does this even say?
ChriS Dix
Nov 7
Replying to
why havent you overthrown your corrupt / inept govt/corprate masters???
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEings!
ChriS Dix
Nov 1
YOU ARE enSLAVED, local & global! your govt incite hatREd inhibiting human BEing;
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
Quote Tweet
REdawn LiveBirds
Oct 31
ChRiS> any SANE individual knows since 50 years or more any incumbent of white house or downing street
is either shark, snake, buffoon, puppet or combination..yet the enslaved sheeple keeps on voting yet anothewr minnow into power over their lives!
ChriS Dix
Retweeted your Tweet
@ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo IRONIC how sheeple applaud "IMAGINE" but apply OPPOSITE in their own existence! & MOB any who OBJECT to global insanity?
burning passports shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE & ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMY estranged daughter NOELLA will be 21 today, ... i last saw her oon her birthday when she was 9 years old and in front of a witness I attempted to give my girl a bag of birthday presents, however her criminal mother Margit Streifeneder kicked the bag into the street, and called the local police, of course who were ignorant of my claims..
ReplyDeleteshe then disappeared..again..
so, you are only "one" ? one of billions. but, if you wish to be one in a thousand, to have a life worth LIVING, will you fight you you & me with those who agree to FIGHT?
"writers" still allow ameriCANTS to refer to Societ/ryussia or even modern chionese culture as spcialist/communist" ... just show their ignorance ( /2022/11/20/china-talks-marxism-but-still-walks-capitalism )
....and C=P will fill your head with "wonmderful" ideas, articles & more books to read ..whilst you drown from a tsunamie, burn up in a heat storm or get nuked by your own govts folly
( 2022/11/25/the-foreboding-hyperthreat-looms-large ) or ( 2022/11/25/drag-shows-here-and-there ) OR... ( 2022/11/25/the-political-economy-of-dead-meat ) even their leading : "Jeffrey" just fills your head and staec of kicking your backside to get out there and FIGHT for your life! < >
USAcorp & its national/corPIRATE clones attempt to exume the corpse of ouyr once-beautiful game...
" Doha, labourers watch World Cup they built " < >
and If I am to bother with this FIFarce thenI require one of the "monnows" to go all the way < > " Morocco join Saudi Arabia and Japan, the conquerors of Argentina and Germany respectively, in upsetting the old order " tunisia or Ghana ?
would be socialists need to make this better; ; is NOT yet an UPrising that the fascisTORIES fear!
ChriS Dix
Retweeted your Tweet
insurgency not only inevitable, its VITAL for LIFE!
(apologies to Al Pachino!)
co-operative, community & FOOTBALL; local/global
GET a SUPPORTING-SHARE whilst removing USAcorp sharks from OUR LIFE!
Boycott the WC of homophobia 22
Nov 20
Replying to
Jesus, what does this even say?
ChriS Dix
Nov 7
Replying to
why havent you overthrown your corrupt / inept govt/corprate masters???
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEings!
Nov 1
YOU ARE enSLAVED, local & global! your govt incite hatREd inhibiting human BEing;
"dont pay" & burning passports: slogans of RESISTANCE the ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
Quote Tweet
REdawn LiveBirds
Oct 31
ChRiS> any SANE individual knows since 50 years or more any incumbent of white house or downing street
is either shark, snake, buffoon, puppet or combination..yet the enslaved sheeple keeps on voting yet anothewr minnow into power over their lives!
ChriS Dix
Retweeted your Tweet
@ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo IRONIC how sheeple applaud "IMAGINE" but apply OPPOSITE in their own existence! & MOB any who OBJECT to global insanity?
burning passports shd be a slogan of RESISTANCE & ACTION of WORLD human BEing! #ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL
-- Iranian courts sentenced six people to death over the mass protests that have swept through the country.
DeleteMany more people are in immediate danger. Journalists, human rights defenders, university students, women, and schoolchildren have been murdered -- and many of those arrested face torture, enforced disappearance, and unfair trials.
The regime is not backing down and is now threatening protesters with executions. We must stand with the people in Iran!
Deletefeed your spirit , but first catch up with links via ? @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo
ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL & Celts #ReclaimingScotland